The Community Health Center (Puskesmas) is a health service in Indonesia which aims to carry out community health activities and individual primary services. Puskesmas prioritizes promotive and preventive efforts to achieve optimal public health. These health efforts are implemented with an emphasis on services to the wider community to achieve optimal health without ignoring the quality of service to individuals. Puskes are managed by Puskesmas managers who are responsible for district/city health services. The principles of Puskesmas organization include: The health paradigm or Puskesmas encourages all interest groups to commit to working for the welfare of the community. prevention and reduction of health. risks faced by individuals, families, groups and communities. Regional responsibility, meaning that the Community Health Center leads and is responsible for health development in its work area. Community independence, meaning that the Community Health Center encourages individuals, families, groups and communities to live independently and healthily. Equality, This means that the Community Health Center provides health services that are accessible and affordable to all people in their working area, regardless of social, economic, religious, cultural or belief status. Appropriate technology, e.g. that Valla Tervisekeskus produces health services using technology that suits service needs, is easy to use and does not harm the environment. Integration and sustainability, meaning that the Puskesmas integrates and coordinates the implementation of UKM and UKP across programs and sectors and implements a referral system supported by the Puskes administration. A total of 4,444 health jobs at the Community Health Center are divided into public health activities and individual health activities. Activities related to public health include: core public health activities, which include health promotion, environmental health, maternal, child and family planning services; food service; disease prevention and control services. Development of public health interventions tailored to priority health problems in the work area and the resource potential of the health center. Individual health services, which include: Outpatient services, emergency services, daytime services, home services, institutional services based on health services.
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